How to find when you joined Facebook?

Today I was thinking and looking for the exact date I joined Facebook, but didn’t found it easily.
Then I tried the following steps to find it out.

  • Find the Confirmation Mail from Facebook

Firstly I started looking for the Email account Confirmation Mail from Facebook.
But it could be bit long and annoying process of finding a particular mail from Facebook, especially when you have tons of mails like I do.
But got it! Capt4ure

  • Find out the date of the first Profile Picture you uploaded.
This may and may not work for everyone. As many of us don't  upload the picture right after we created our account, many delete the pictures….

  • Use Facebook Timeline
If you have Timeline enabled in your Facebook Account, then take a look on the years and months that appear on the Top-Right of tour Profile.Capture
Go to the oldest year (not your Birth year), scroll down and select the earliest month.
The should pe a post saying “Joined Facebook”.

  • Use a third Party App
If all the above methods don’t work for You, then use a third named Status Statistics. It will tell you how many days ago your first status update was (among other things). While it doesn't give you a date you joined, it will give you a ballpark assuming you did a status update when you first joined. (Note: This only works if you joined Facebook after September of 2008 - as this is when the current version of the Status feature was implemented. For example, I joined Facebook either in Sept or Oct of 2006, using Status Statistics total number of days only went as far back as Sept of 2008)

- TechTabs
- Ishan Farooq

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